Office of Long-Term Living Waivers – Services are paid for by Medical Assistance (Medicaid), these programs have different eligibility requirements include; age, income, and permanent disability.
-Aging (60 or older)
-Attendant Care (18-59 years old)
-Act 150 is identical to attendant care without the income limit and no resource limit. Individuals with an income 125% above poverty must pay for services on a sliding scale.
Physical disability waivers *all participants must have a physical or traumatic brain injury and/or at least 3 functional disabilities: mobility, communication, self-care, learning, or the inability to independent living
-COMMCARE (21 or older) – Must have brain trauma and require a special rehabilitation facility level of care.
-OBRA/ Independence (18 or older) – Disability must manifest its self before the age of 22, diagnosis is NOT mental retardation or major mental illness. Must meet the Intermediate Care Facility or have a high need for habilitation services.
Veterans Administration (Allegheny, Butler)
United Cerebral Palsy
Area on Aging